Painting icons is contemplative.

From the arduous process of finding the right kind

of wood, priming, sanding several rounds and laying

gold leaf -to spending countless hours painting details.

It takes time, patience and concentration.

The icons have played a dramatic role

over the centuries, but also been admired for their

beauty and have become a source of inspiration for many.

They have also been my great interest.

"Gold in Art"

was the name of an exhibition, that took place

in summer of 2001 in Borgholm’s Castle Ruins,

and was arranged by the curators Kamras.

The contrast between the raw, worn walls and the

magnificent works of art in gold, with invited artists,

was an unforgettable experience. I contributed with

12 gold glazed sculptures / consoles.

Some are now shown on STUDIO L2


August 8 - 29

Window exhibition, can be seen around the clock
